Fibonacci Iterative v2

Fibonacci Iterative v2

Print out the n-th entry in the fibonacci series. The fibonacci series is an ordering of numbers where each number is the sum of the preceeding two.

fibonacciIterative(8) 21

function fib(n) {
  const result = [0, 1];
  for (let i = 2; i <= n; i++) {
    const a = result[i - 1];
    const b = result[i - 2];
    result.push(a + b);
  return result[n];
fibonacciIterative(8) 21

We create a function fib with parameter of n and we create a variable result=[0,1]

We loop with for loop starting from 2 since we have the first two numbers in the result array, we iterate until is less or equal to n and i++

We create two variables a and b a = result[i - 1] and b = result[i - 2]

Variable a is last number from the loop since we substract - 1 and b is the number before a then we result.push(a + b) We use JavaScript push method to push the result of a+b

In the end we return return result[n]

In the end we return answer

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