Find Factorial Recurative

Fibonacci Iterative Recursive

Finding Fibonacci Numbers Recursive

fibonacciIterativeRecursive(8)} 21

function fibonacciIterativeRecursive(number) {
  let answer = 1;
  if (number === 2) {
    answer = 2;
  for (let i = 2; i < number; i++ ){
    answer = answer*i;
  return answer

fibonacciIterativeRecursive(5)} 24


We create a function fibonacciIterativeRecursive with parameter of number and we create a variable answer to be equal to 1 so we can keep track if the elements

We check wheter number is equal to 2 and if it is we assing answer to 2.

We loop the remaining by starting with i to be equal to 2 then i is less than number and we increment by 1. Inside the loop we take answer variable and with If statement check if number is equal to 2. If it is we assing asnwer to2

In the end we return answer

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