Has Certain Value
Write a function called hasCertainV alue which accepts an array of objects and a key, and a value, and returns true if every single object in the array contains that value for the specific key. Otherwise it should return false.
console.log(hasCertainValue(arr, “first”, ‘Elie’)) // false
console.log(hasCertainValue(arr,’title’,’Instructor’)) // true
function hasCertainValue(arr, key, searchValue){
return arr.every(function(val){
return val[key] === searchValue;
var arr = [
{title: "Instructor", first: 'Elie', last:"Schoppik"},
{title: "Instructor", first: 'Tim', last:"Garcia", isCatOwner: true},
{title: "Instructor", first: 'Matt', last:"Lane"},
{title: "Instructor", first: 'Colt', last:"Steele", isCatOwner: true}
console.log(hasCertainValue(arr, "first", 'Elie')) // false
console.log(hasCertainValue(arr,'title','Instructor')) // true
We create a function called HasCertainValue with parameter called arr and key and searchValue
We return the arr.every every is build in JavaScript method that needs all to be true from the array or not;
Then inside every method we invode callback function with parameter val to
return *val[key] === searchValue
We return the val[key] of all key members and triple equal or strict equal to searchValue
We still loop throuh every method and return *val[key] === searchValue is checking if val[key] === searchValue (searchValue we provide as value of key-value pair) so while checking with every that everything must be true it returns true else false;
As I said above every method needs all of them to be true to be true so the key had to have the same value in all array objects arr that is possible in the case in the console log method.