Maching Braces
Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of “{“, “}”, “(“, “)”, “[“, “]” are correct in exp. The function is expected to return a String Array YES NO
console.log(Brackets([”()[]{}”,”([{}])”, “()]]”]) [YES,YES,NO]
function checkBraces(braces) {
if (braces.length % 2 !== 0) return false;
let i = 0;
let result = [];
while(i < braces.length) {
if(braces[i] === "{" || braces[i] === "(" || braces[i]=== "[") {
} else if(braces[i] === "}" && result[result.length-1] === "{") {
} else if(braces[i] === ")" && result[result.length-1] === "(") {
} else if(braces[i] === "]" && result[result.length-1] === "[") {
} else {
return false;
return result.length === 0;
function matchingBraces(braces) {
let result = []
braces.forEach((b) => {
if (checkBraces(b)) result.push('YES');
else result.push('NO');
return result;
First we create function in our case checkBraces with only one parameter named braces, also we create a i variable that will be equal to 0 and result to []
We check if (braces.length % 2 !== 0) return false;
We do while loop while i < braces.length and we do the following conditions:
if(braces[i] === “{“ || braces[i] === “(“ || braces[i]=== “[”) {
We check if braces is { or ( or [ and if it is we push it into the result array.
else if(braces[i] === “}” && result[result.length-1] === “{“) {
We check if the braces is } and previous one is { than we have result true;
else if(braces[i] === “)” && result[result.length-1] === “(“) {
We check if the braces is ) and previous one is ( than we have result true;
else if(braces[i] === “]” && result[result.length-1] === “[”) {
Finally we check if braces is ] and previous one is [ than yet again we have result true;
if none of these statements are true we return with else false; and increment i by 1;
At the end if all the braces are removed we check return result.length === 0;
We create another function called matchingBraces with parameter braces and variable result initialized to empty array [];
We loop the braces with forEach loop and inside we check
if (checkBraces(b)) result.push(‘YES’);
else result.push(‘NO’);
In the end we return the result